I shop, therefore I am: Barbara Kruger
https://doi.org/10.18002/cg.v0i7.916Palabras clave:
Barbara Kruger, art, advertisement, gender, feminism, social mobilizationResumen
The artist Barbara Kruger graduated from The Parson Design School in New York was fed from feminist currents of the 70’s and 80’s. She used advertising techniques with the employment of direct, short and shocking slogans, in shades of red and black. She used the language of the media to criticize, for more than four decades, the consumer society and gender relations aspects. Currently, her work has been phagocytized by the art market and it’s necessary to open up new paths that know the logic of commercial advertising, in order to subvert them.
Métricas alternativas
Crimp, Douglas (1993): On the Museum's Ruims. Cambridge: MIT Press.
Chadwick, Whitney (1990): Mujer, arte y sociedad. New York, N.Y.: Thames and Hudson.
Firestone, Shulamit (1970): The Dialectic of Sex: The Case for Feminist Revolution. New York: Morrow.
Friedan, Betty (1963): The feminine mystique. New York: Norton.
Kruger, Barbara (1994): Remote control: power, cultures, and the world of appearances. Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press.
Linker, Kate (1990): Love For Sale: The Words and Pictures of Barbara Kruger. New York: Harry Abrams, Inc.
Millett, Kate (1970): Sexual Politics. New York: Doubleday.
Mulvey, Laura (1975): “Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema”. En Screen, Vol. 16, nº 3, pp. 6-18.
Nochlin, Linda (1973): “Why Have There Been No Great Women Artists?”. En Thomas B. Hess y Elizabeth C. Barker (eds): Art and Sexual Politics. New York: Macmillan, pp. 1-39.
Squiers, Carol (1999): “Who Laughs Last?: The Photographs of Barbara Kruger”. En Ann Goldstein (ed): Barbara Kruger [Thinking of You]. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, pp. 140-148.
Tillman, Lynne (1999): “Barbara Kruger (Interview)”. En Ann Goldstein (ed): Barbara Kruger [Thinking of You]. MIT Press: Cambridge, MA, p. 192.
Cómo citar
Derechos de autor 2012 Alejandra Val Cubero

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