Las Vallinas (Teverga, Asturias). An Iron Age and Roman farmstead in northern Spain


  • Alfonso Fanjul Peraza Arqueólogo
  • Susana de Carmen Fernández Menéndez Universidad de Oviedo. Departamento de Geología
  • José Antonio Pis Millán Centro de Experimentación Pesquera (Principado de Asturias)
  • Rodrigo Álvarez García Universidad de Oviedo. Departamento de Explotación y Prospección de Minas
  • Mª Ángeles Fernández Casado Universidad de Oviedo. Departamento de Biología de Organismos y Sistemas
  • Herminio Severiano Nava Fernández Universidad de Oviedo. Departamento de Biología de Organismos y Sistemas
  • Álvaro Bueno Sánchez Universidad de Oviedo. Instituto de Recursos Naturales y Ordenación del Territorio (Indurot)
  • José Ignacio Alonso Felpete Universidad de Oviedo. Instituto de Recursos Naturales y Ordenación del Territorio (Indurot)
  • María Díaz Herrero Arqueóloga



Las Vallinas, Farm, Iron Age, Roman times, North of Iberian


Obstacles to prospection along the coastal landscape of the Bay of Biscay, structural and material limitations in smaller settlement units, and a lack of comprehensive monitoring of current alterations to the terrain, have all left a dearth of knowledge about the possible presence of open Iron Age farms or hamlets in the Cantabrian region. Presented here for the first time, we demonstrate the existence of these farms with findings verifying agricultural land use at Las Vallinas. In comparing information from this farm with that from inhabited hillforts of the same period, we are also given a wider picture of the economic development of the ancient Astures from the end of prehistory to the beginning of Roman occupation. The impact of Romanization caused an unprecedented upheaval of the old social and economic structures of the Asturs in the area, instigating a slow and steady recovery of a rural economy from the late 1st century AD.


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How to Cite

Fanjul Peraza, A., Fernández Menéndez, S. del C., Pis Millán, J. A., Álvarez García, R., Fernández Casado, M. Ángeles, Nava Fernández, H. S., Bueno Sánchez, Álvaro, Alonso Felpete, J. I., & Díaz Herrero, M. (2020). Las Vallinas (Teverga, Asturias). An Iron Age and Roman farmstead in northern Spain. Estudios Humanísticos. Historia, (17), 33–50.


