About the Journal

Focus and scope
Añada: revista d'estudios llioneses is a peer-reviewed journal of art and humanities published annually by "Asociación Cultural Faceira" and in collaboration with the "Cátedra de Estudios Leoneses" of the University of León since 2019.
The journal publishes research, critical reviews and bibliographical reviews on any historical, geographic, linguistic or cultural subject related to the region of León and is aimed at both the scientific-academic community and to the general audience.

Peer review process

The originals of the papers (research or critical reviews) will be submitted to an autonomous evaluation system by external specialists (double-blind peer review system). Afterwards, the Editorial Board will decide whether or not to proceed with the publication and will notify the authors within a maximum period of six months from the receipt of the manuscript. The acceptance will be conditioned, in any case, to the revision and the incorporation of the suggestions noted in the evaluation reports.

Open access policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content, based on the principle that offering the public free access to research helps a greater global exchange of knowledge.

All the information about the open access policy of Añada is available at Sherpa Romeo.

All publications are free of charge. Añada does not charge authors any fees for publication, review or any other type of service.

Interoperability protocols

The journal "Añada: revista de estudios llioneses" is managed through OJS (Open Journal System, The system includes the OAI-PMH (Open Archive Initiative-Protocol for Metadata Harvesting) interoperability protocol that allows content to be harvested by other distribution systems, such as digital repositories and collectors. The access URL is https://revpubli.unileon.es/index.php/cuestionesdegenero/oai.
The journal metadata structure is consistent with Dublin Core, RFC1807, MARC and MARC21 formats.
In addition, the journal has several active Metadata Modules such as the Dublin Core 1.1 Module, the Open URL 1.0 Metadata Module and the MODS Metadata Module that provide patterns that facilitate the compatibility of applications. Other modules that enable the import and export of metadata such as the dataCite, mEDRA, CrossRef XML and DOAJ export/registration modules are also active.

Ethical code and compliance assessment

"Añada: revista d’estudios llioneses", assumes and adopts all the postulates of the COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) exposed in the Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors and also in the Code of Conduct for Journal Publishers.

The editorial team retains the right to use plausibility detection tools such as URKUND and other equivalent tools to ensure the authenticity of the received manuscripts.

In case of high matching plausibility detection, the editorial team of Añada will inform the author of the degree of similarity found, sending him/her a copy of the corresponding report and notifying him/her that the article will not be subjected to double-blind evaluation, and the article will be automatically rejected for publication.
Detected cases will also be recorded.

Journal Regulations

Journal Regulations of "Añada: revista d’estudios llioneses"

Approved by the Asociación Cultural Faceira, at the Members' Assembly held in Llión on December 21, 2019, and by the Publications Board of the University of León on November 28, 2019.


Since its foundation in 2011, the "Asociación Cultural Faceira" has been aware of the need to promote the study of Leonese cultural manifestations through a scientific publication that would fill the void that existed in the regional landscape. The association, which has promoted since its origins the organization of activities aimed at the dissemination and valorization of the Leonese culture from a respectful attitude and critical accuracy, decided, at the General Assembly of Members held on October 13, 2018, to carry forward a project that had been desired some long time ago, with the implementation of an interdisciplinary yearbook that would collect, on a yearly basis, some of the fruits produced by the scientific researches of the Arts and Humanities area focused on topics from León, understood in the broadest sense (León, Zamora, Salamanca, Asturias, Bragança, etc. ). Moreover, the coincidence of objectives with the "Cátedra de Estudios Leoneses" (CELe), created in a Council session of the Governing Council of the University of León on December 19, 2017, promoted the establishment of a fruitful and connatural collaboration between the association and the academic institution, which not only reinforces the scientific vocation of the publication, but also allows the management and online edition of the journal to be done through the digital portal ULErevistas.

Article 1. Managing Boards

The journal Añada is governed by an editor, a deputy editor, a secretary, an Editorial Board -of which the editor, the deputy editor and the secretary will be part- and an Advisory Board. It will also have external reviewers from the “Asociación Faceira” and the "Cátedra de Estudios Leoneses" of the University of León.

Article 2. Director

2.1. The director of Añada must be a member of the “Asociación Faceira”, hold a PhD degree and be experienced in one of the fields of research in the Arts and Humanities. He/she will be elected for a period of five years, and may be renewed for the five-year periods deemed necessary, as long as it is approved by the competent Board of the Association and the Editorial Board of the journal.

2.2. In addition to fulfilling the duties of a member of the Editorial Board, the Editor shall have the following functions:

a) To call and chair the meetings of the Editorial Board.

b) To be in charge -together with the secretary- of the management and editing process of Añada prior to the formatting and online access of the journal through the University of León's computer platform.

c) Coordinate the tasks of the external evaluators.

d) To perform the responsibilities delegated by the Editorial Board of the journal.

e) Represent the journal in any activities directly related to it.

2.3. The director will cease his/her functions:

a) By his/her own request.

b) Upon the decision of the “Asociación Faceira”, following a reasoned report from the Editorial Board, which must provide a reasoned justification for the request in a letter addressed to the Association.

2.4. The Editorial Board may propose the nomination of an honorary director to the “Asociación Faceira”, provided that the person concerned has a proven background in research of recognized excellence.

Article 3. Deputy Director

3.1. The deputy director of Añada is the Director of the "Cátedra de Estudios Leoneses" or the person he/she may delegate. In any case, he/she must be a professor of the University of León linked to any of the areas of Arts and Humanities. His/her permanence in the position will be for a period of five years, before he/she leaves the position of CELe Director.

3.2. In addition to fulfilling the duties of a member of the Editorial Board, the Deputy Director's role will be to help and assist the Secretary in relations with the Publications Service of the University of León, which is in charge of the online publication procedures of the journal.

3.3. The deputy director will cease his/her functions:

a) By his/her own request.

b) Upon the decision of the competent governing body of the University of León, following a reasoned report from the Editorial Board, which will have to justify its request in a report addressed to it.

Article 4. Secretary

4.1. The secretary will be selected by the director of the journal from among the members of the “Asociación Faceira” for a period of five years (renewable), being preferred the possession of the title of PhD for this post. In addition, the secretariat of the journal may also be exercised by personnel of the University of León - preferably assigned to the libraries or publications service - as long as they have the support of the academic institution and the journal's director.

4.2. In addition to carrying out the duties of a member of the Editorial Board, the secretary's duties shall include the following:

a) Receive and take care of the materials for its publication.

b) To be in charge -along with the director- of the management and editing process of Añada prior to the layout and online access to the journal through the University of León's computer platform.

c) To issue any certificate requested by authors or reviewers.

d) Take care of the relations with the Publications Service of the University of León, in charge of the material process of the online publication of the journal.

e) To take meeting notes of the meetings of the Editorial Board.

f) Exercise the responsibilities delegated by the Editorial Board of the journal.

4.3. The secretary may resign from his/her functions:

a) By his/her own request.

b) Upon a justified decision of the journal's editor with the consent of the majority of the members of the Editorial Board.

Article 5. Editorial Board

5.1. The Editorial Board has an inter-university orientation and will be made up of at least eight professors from different universities in different disciplines of expertise, with experience and backgrounds linked to linguistic subjects, in a broad sense of the term.

5.2. The Editorial Board shall meet at least once a year.

5.3. The Editorial Board is in charge of all scientific and administrative aspects related to the journal. Among other tasks:

a) Define the editorial policy of the journal.

b) Develop and update the editorial and style standards.

c) To confirm reception of the texts that are submitted for publication in Añada and to give a first opinion on them.

d) Select the external referees who will be in charge of reviewing the possible contributions, using a double-blind peer review system.

e) Send the external evaluation report to the author(s) along with a reasoned communication of the final decision.

5.4. The Editorial Board will make its decisions by majority vote. In case of a tie, the editor will have the tie-breaking vote.

5.5. The members of the Editorial Board shall cease their functions:

a) By their own request.

b) Due to the termination of their professional relationship with their university or research center of origin.

c) Upon a reasoned decision of the journal's editor with the support of the majority of the members of the Editorial Board.

Article 6. Advisory Board

6.1. The main function of the Advisory Board is to guarantee the levels of excellence and accuracy of an academic journal. As an observing and consulting body, it will analyze the evolution of Añada and evaluate its interest and quality in on a systematic and joint approach.

6.2. The Advisory Board will be formed by prestigious figures -preferably from the Arts and Humanities field, but not exclusively- external to the “Asociación Faceira” and to the "Cátedra de Estudios Leoneses". They will be proposed by the Editorial Board, ensuring the major representation of the different disciplines, and will carry out their functions for a period of five (renewable) years.

6.3. As a consulting body, the members of the Advisory Board may be called upon by the Editorial Board to advise on any aspect of the journal and to select external evaluators.

6.4. The members of the Advisory Board will be removed at their own request or by reasoned decision of the journal's editor with the consent of the majority of the members of the Editorial Board.

Article 7. External reviewers

7.1. The external reviewers will be specialists in the subjects covered by the articles received. Likewise, they will not be part of the “Asociación Faceira”nor of the "Cátedra de Estudios Leoneses", except in exceptional cases properly justified by the Editorial Board.

7.2. The texts will be reviewed by a double-blind peer review system. If, once the evaluations are received, there are significant differences between them, the opinion of a third party will be requested.

7.3.The external peer reviewers will be guaranteed to be anonymous throughout the review process. Only the evaluating bodies of scientific journals, and for the sole purpose of verifying compliance with the system of admission of texts by external referees, will have access to their identity.

7.4. The opinions will have to be issued within a reasonable period of time established by the Editorial Board of the journal and will have to be appropriately recorded.

7.5. Acceptance, conditional acceptance or refusal of the originals:
a) If the external evaluators' reports are positive, the paper will be accepted after its approval by the Editorial Board.
b) If the external evaluators' reports are positive, but minor changes are suggested to the authors, they must incorporate them in a new version of the paper, which will be submitted within a period not exceeding fifteen days. The contribution will be accepted after approval by the Editorial Board.
c) If the external reviewers' reports are positive, but condition the publication of the paper on major modifications, the authors will have thirty days to submit a new version of the paper to the journal, which will have to be reevaluated before being approved by the Editorial Board.
d) A third reviewer will be called upon in case of discrepancy in the final evaluation of the reviewers.
e) If both external reviewers' reports are unfavorable, the paper will be rejected by the Editorial Board.
f) In any case, the final publication decision will be made by the Editorial Board of Añada.

Article 8. Publication

8.1. Añada will have a yearly periodicity and will include studies related to León in any of its patrimonial, linguistic, historical, geographical, cultural, artistic and musical manifestations.

8.2. Añada will preferably publish works in the heritage languages of León, i.e. Asturleonese, spanish and galician-portuguese. In addition, and provided they have the approval of the Editorial Committee, texts in other languages, including French, Italian, English and German, may be accepted.

8.3. Two types of contributions are accepted: scientific articles (research or review) and reviews.

8.4. Contributions must comply with the rules of publication of Añada, which are available to authors in the digital portal ULErevistas, and at the end of each volume of the written edition. The final publication will be decided by the Editorial Board of Añada.

8.5. In a general terms, each submitted contribution will have to fulfill the following rules:

a) Be original and unpublished and not be pending of review in another journal. The authors will be responsible for ensuring that their contribution complies with these requirements.

b) Contributions must be submitted in digital format: a Word document (.doc or .docx), rich text (.rtf) or open format (.odt).

c) The contributions must be preceded by a page where, in addition to the title of the work and the name of the author(s) (maximum five), will appear: the author's postal address, e-mail address, telephone number, academic data ( academic degree and university where it was obtained), professional situation ( position or professional category with details of the center or institution to which he/she belongs or in which he/she carries out his/her research activities) and a brief curriculum vitae of the author (about 200 words).

d) The original papers should be accompanied by a summary of about 200 words and a selection of key words (between three and five). Both the summary and the keywords must be presented with the corresponding English translation (Abstract and Keywords).

8.6. Add management through the ULEvistas digital portal for its online edition.

8.7. The financing for the printed edition of the journal will be the responsibility of the Asociación Cultural Faceira.

The final publication will be determined by the Editorial Board of Añada.


Journal historical background

Founded in 2019 by José Ignacio Suárez García, member of the Faceira Cultural Association, "Añada: revista d'estudios llioneses" is the first scientific publication from León that allows to publish in the Asturleonese language. In this regard, since its very beginning in 2011, Faceira was aware of the need to promote the study of the Leonese cultural manifestations through a magazine that, in the native language, would fill the gap that existed in the regional landscape. With a purely academic vocation, Añada is an interdisciplinary annual publication that collects, on a yearly basis, some of the results produced by the scientific research of the Arts and Humanities department focused on Leonese themes.



"Asociación Cultural Faceira" in collaboration with the "Cátedra de Estudios Leoneses" of the University of Leon.

University of León. Publications Area

University of León.