History and memory of besieged women


  • Elena Fernández García Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona - España




mujeres, sitios, Guerra de la Independencia, Guerra dels Segadors, Guerra de Sucesión


This article was proposed to verify the involvement of women in the fight scenes, particularly in episodes of real threat as in the case of sieges, and to try determining to what extent the need to take a stand in defense of their cities, their families, meant a greater or lesser occupation of properly masculine spaces by them. Specifically, we try to retrieve from oblivion the women action and their contribution on three major military events such as the Catalan uprising known as Reapers’ War, the War of Spanish Succession and the Peninsular War. Three examples of conflicts in which the action of women under siege tales special importance.


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How to Cite

Fernández García, E. (2011) “History and memory of besieged women”, Cuestiones de género: de la igualdad y la diferencia, (6), pp. 35–50. doi: 10.18002/cg.v0i6.3762.


