The "gender" and the construction of reality


  • María Isabel Lafuente Universidad de León - España



género, construcción de la realidad,


The knowledge process, as highlighted by Ortega y Gasset, has a decided and effective influence on the construction of reality, which is life. The circumstance imposes those limits in which our action is possible, and this requires knowledge of those limits, those of the facts (objects, relations and operations) that occur in it, and those that are possible in it. For this reason, it can be said that all action has two aspects or, to say it analogically, that like Janus it has two faces, since it consists of both factual knowledge (logical awareness, which is immediate awareness of the action), and practical awareness ( logical unconsciousness), which requires to be thematized, that is, transformed into logical consciousness, which we can call knowledge made.


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Author Biography

María Isabel Lafuente, Universidad de León - España

44 años de docencia. Tres años en la Universidad de Puerto Rico ( Humanidades). Cinco años en el Colegio Universitario de León (Materias de Filosofía). Dos años en la Universidad de Oviedo. (Filosofía). Treinta y cuatro años en la Universidad de León(Materias del área de Filosofía). Líneas de investigacón: Historia de la Filosofía, Teoría del Conocimiento, Humanismo.


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How to Cite

Lafuente, M. I. (2006) “The "gender" and the construction of reality”, Cuestiones de género: de la igualdad y la diferencia, (.0), pp. 81–109. doi: 10.18002/cg.v0i0.3845.