Kumi-uchi from the Kaze no Ryu perspective


  • Luis Nogueira Serrano European Bugei Society




Martial arts, Japan, traditional schools, koryu, taijutsu


Kumi-uchi, literally “grasp and strike”, is a traditional Japanese fighting art mainly based on non-armed techniques. As such, kumi-uchi is consider to have emerged as a complement to the main samurai martial arts, so as to face those difficult situations in which the samurai lost his most powerful weapons. This paper studies the art of kumi-uchi from the Kaze no Ryu school standpoint. The meaning and extension of kumi-uchi, its main aspects, types, dimension and evolution are analyzed. Similarly, we place kumi-uchi into the Kaze no Ryu martial curriculum and reflect on its importance in martial artists’ education.


Métricas alternativas


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Draeger, D.F. (1996). The Martial Arts and Ways of Japan. Volumen I: Classical Bujutsu. New York: Weatherhill.

Friday, K.F. & Humitake, S. (1997). Legacies of the Sword: The Kashima-Shinryu and Samurai Martial Culture. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press.

Gatling, L. (2010). Jujutsu. En T.A. Green & J.R. Svinth(Eds.). Martial arts of the world: An Encyclopedia of History and Innovation. Vol. I. (pp. 120-126). Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO.

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Ratti, O. & Westbrook, A. (1994). Los Secretos del Samurai. Las artes marciales en el Japón Feudal. Madrid: Alianza Deporte.



How to Cite

Nogueira Serrano, L. (2012). Kumi-uchi from the Kaze no Ryu perspective. Revista de Artes Marciales Asiáticas, 5(2), 123–138. https://doi.org/10.18002/rama.v5i2.115


