About the Journal
DOI: 10.18002/rama
eISSN: 2174-0747
- The Revista de Artes Marciales Asiáticas (RAMA) is a biyearly journal attached to the Department of Physical Education and Sport, University of León (Spain). The main aim of the journal is the spreading of studies on martial arts and combat sports, enabling a better understanding of their diverse manifestations.
- RAMA publishes, from a multidisciplinary perspective, scholarly articles and media reviews related to martial arts and combat sports.
- RAMA is a multilingual (English, Portuguese, Spanish) open-access digital e-journal. All contents are available in full text as soon as they are published.
- RAMA is indexed in Academic Search Complete, Academic Search Premier, CIRC, DIALNET, DOAJ, Dulcinea, Emerging Sources Citation Index (Web of Science), ERIH PLUS, Fuente Académica, Latindex (directory and catalogue), MIAR, Scopus, Scimago Journal & Country Rank, SportDiscus with full text and Ulrich's.
- RAMA does not charge authors for publishing their works. This means there is no publication fee to submit or publish content in RAMA.
- RAMA has a certified editorial system in accordance with the sixth call for evaluation of the editorial and scientific quality of Spanish scientific journals of the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT). Reference: FECYT-392/2022, valid until 07/22/2023.
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Current Issue

Cover of the booklet Manual de Lucha Libre. Greco-Roman. Llaves y contrallaves. Jiu.jitsu, by C. del Cuadernal, published by Editorial Cisne (Barcelona, no date) as volume 34 of the popular "Manuales Cisne" collection. This collection would see the light of day between the end of the 1940s and the beginning of the 1960s.