Tai-sabaki for the piano, tai-sabaki for the tatami – A tribute to Prof. em. David B. Waterhouse (1936-2017)
Cultural anthropology, East Asia, ethnomusicology, Japan, judo, martial artsAgencies:
David B. Waterhouse (1936-2017) was a Professor emeritus, Japanese studies scholar, and humanities polymath. Educated to concert pianist level, he graduated in Western Classics, Moral Sciences, and Oriental Studies from the University of Cambridge. It is there where during his freshman year he had attended for first time a live judo demonstration, and had decided to start his judo career. Professor Waterhouse would eventually join the University of Toronto, where he would spend the rest of his professional career as an educator and scholar. David aptly understood and taught judo as it was meant by its founder, i.e. as a form of pedagogy striving for both physical and intellectual development. Consequently, his academic judo classes at the University of Toronto’s Department of East Asian Studies attracted an enthusiastic crowd of students. Professor Waterhouse’s scholarly legacy is vast, showing a remarkable breadth in topics which he surveyed, investigated and mastered, but he was particularly proud of his magnum opus, i.e. a two-volume catalogue of woodcuts by Japanese artist Suzuki Harunobu published in 2013. The manuscript of his book on judo’s cultural and technical history, unfortunately, remains unfinished due to his untimely passing.
Métricas alternativas
Consulate-General of Japan in Toronto. (2016). Renowned scholar on Japanese culture presented with Consul-General’s Commendation. 13 May 2016. [retrieved May 14th, 2016]. Retrieved from: http://www.toronto.ca.emb-japan.go.jp/english/news/infocul-news/waterhouse.html
Consulate-General of Japan in Toronto. (2017). University of Toronto Professor Emeritus David Waterhouse Conferred Order of the Rising Sun. 01 July 2017. [retrieved July 4th, 2017]. Retrieved from: http://www.toronto.ca.emb-japan.go.jp/itpr_ja/b_000068.html
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De Crée, C. (2017). Unpublished private letters and correspondence with David Waterhouse (2013-2017).
Ferrier MacKay, S. (2017). Scholar David Waterhouse had a passion for Japanese culture. The Globe and Mail. 05 December 2017. [retrieved December 7th, 2017]. Retrieved from: http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/world/scholar-david-waterhouse-had-a-passion-for-japanese-culture/article37188177/
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Shishida, F. (2016). Jūdōka David Waterhouse kyōju no sōryōji hyōshō [Jūdōka Professor David Waterhouse's Consul-General’s commendation]. Jūdō, 87(8), 77-79. [in Japanese]
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Waterhouse, D. (2002a). Buddhism and the teaching of judo. In V. Sōgen Hori, R.P. Hayes, J.M. Shields (Eds.), Teaching Buddhism in the West. From the wheel to the web (pp. 119-140). London & New York: Routledge.
Waterhouse, D. (2003a). Bugaku no byōsha ‘shinzeikogakuzu’ o megutte [Portrayals of Japanese court dance: the shinzei kogaku zu]. In Nihon no gakki —Atarashī gakki-gaku e mukete— [Japanese musical instruments: toward a new organology]. Dai Nijūgo-ka Kokusai Kenkyū Shūkai Hōkokusho [Proceedings of the 25th International Research Committee]. Tōkyō: National Research Institute for Cultural Properties; p.123-131. [in Japanese]
Waterhouse, D. (1993). Chinese music in pre-modern Japan. Hánguó yīnyuè shǐ xuébào [Korean Journal of Music History], 11, 521-576.
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Waterhouse, D. (2008a). David Waterhouse – Highland Bagpipes. Gigmasters. [webpage] [retrieved December 8th, 2017]. Retrieved from: http://www.gigmasters.com/bagpipes/david-waterhouse
Waterhouse, D. (2003b). David Waterhouse on Muriel Denny and others. In A.C. Michalos (Ed.), The Best Teacher I Ever Had. Personal Reports from Highly Productive Scholars (pp. 278-282). London, Ontario, Canada: The Arthouse Press, Faculty of Education, The University of Western Ontario.
Waterhouse, D. (1994a). Epistemology of the Buddha image. In D. Gerstle, A. Miller (Eds.), Europe and the Orient (pp. 181-225). Canberra, Australia: The Humanities Research Centre, The Australian National University.
Waterhouse, D. (1994b). John Wilson and the Highland bagpipe in Ontario. In R. Witmer (Ed.), Ethnomusicology in Canada. CanMus Documents, 5. Proceedings of the First Conference on Ethnomusicology in Canada, Toronto, 13-15 May, 1988. Toronto: Institute for Canadian Music; 1990, p.307-314.
Waterhouse, D. (2016). Jūdō related information. Unpublished text (pp. 1-8). Canada: Oakville Gardiner; July 2016.
Waterhouse, D. (2014a). Kaeshi-no-kata - AEJF list of waza. E-Judo. Judo network and forum: Kata: Non-Kodokan Kata: Japanese origin: Kaeshi-no-kata. 21 September 2014. [retrieved December 8th, 2017]. Retrieved from: http://judo.forumsmotion.com/t1578-kaeshi-no-kata-aejf-list-of-waza
Waterhouse, D. (1982a). Kanō Jigorō and the beginnings of the jūdō movement. Toronto Symposium; pp. 169-178.
Waterhouse, D. (2014b). Kodokan branch Korea. E-Judo. Judo network and forum: Documentary and History. 12 & 13 January 2014. [retrieved December 8th, 2017]. Retrieved from: http://judo.forumsmotion.com/t1551-kodokan-branch-korea
Waterhouse, D. (2002b). Kodokan emblem revisited. Kano Society The Bulletin, 3(5), 1 & 4. [retrieved December 16th, 2006]. Retrieved from: http://www.kanosociety.org/Bulletins/pdf%20bulletins/bulletin5.pdf
Waterhouse, D. (1988a). Korean music, trick horsemanship and elephants in Tokugawa Japan. In Y. Tokumaru, O. Yamaguchi (Eds.), The Oral and the Literate in Music (pp. 353-370). Tōkyō: Academia Music Ltd.
Waterhouse, D. (1996). Notes on the kuji. In P.F. Kornicki, I.J. McMullen (Eds.), Religion in Japan. Arrows to heaven and earth (pp. 1-38). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
Waterhouse, D. (2015a). Oriental antiquities at the British Museum: some reminiscences of a former assistant-keeper. Gardiner Signature Lecture Series 2015. Gardiner Museum, Toronto, Ontario, Canada; 07 October 2015.
Waterhouse D. (2013b). The Harunobu Decade. A Catalogue of Woodcuts by Suzuki Harunobu and his followers in the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. Amsterdam, the Netherlands: Brill.
Waterhouse, D. (2015b). The Historical Context of Zen and the Tea Ceremony – Part 1. Lecture. Asian Heritage Month Education Roundtable 2015: The heart of Asia, right here, right now. A celebration of Asian wisdom traditions. 30 Jul 2015. [Video clip] [retrieved July 30th, 2015]. Retrieved from: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pDuzKv6j1cc
Waterhouse, D. (2015c). The Historical Context of Zen and the Tea Ceremony – Part 2. Lecture. Asian Heritage Month Education Roundtable 2015: The heart of Asia, right here, right now. A celebration of Asian wisdom traditions. 30 Jul 2015. [Video clip] [retrieved July 30th, 2015]. Available from: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c_F02CErDOE
Waterhouse, D. (1988b). The logical priority of performance for the analysis of music. In Y. Tokumaru, O. Yamaguchi (Eds.), The Oral and the Literate in Music (pp. 371-379). Tōkyō: Academia Music Ltd.
Waterhouse, D. (1982b). Towards a new analysis of rhythm in music. In R. Falck, T. Rice (Eds.), Cross-cultural perspectives in music (pp. 29-37). Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
Waterhouse, D. (2014c). TP Leggett's Address to the BJA AGM in 1984. E-Judo. Judo network and forum: Documentary and History. 21 September 2014. [retrieved December 8th, 2017]. Retrieved from: http://judo.forumsmotion.com/t2177-tp-leggett-s-address-to-the-bja-agm-in-1984
Waterhouse, D. (1987). Value judgments in the study of Buddhist art. In N.H. Samtani (ed.), Śramana Vidyā – Studies in Buddhism. Prof. Jagannath Upadhyaya commemoration volume I (pp. 233-269). Sarnath, Varanasi, India: Central Institute of Higher Tibetan Studies.
Waterhouse, D. (2008b). Where did Toragaku come from? In A. Marett (ed.), Musica Asiatica – Vol. 6 (pp. 71-94). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
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