Korean Dynasty Confucian Li Huang and Han Yuanzhen’s Contribution on Zhu Xi’s Ritual Study


  • Liu Yiping Wuhan University, China




Zhu Xi, Li Huang, Han Yuanzhen, ritual theory.


The Confucians in the era of Korean Dynasty

have inherited and developed Zhu Xi’s ritual

study. Li Huang, composed Shengxue Shitu based

on Jin Si Lu, aiming at pursuing prudence and

morality, and putting them into practice, had

great impact on the development of

Confucianism in Korean Dynasty. Han Yuanzhen

regarded Yili Jingzhuan Tongjie as the second

ritual composition made by Confucians after

Zhougong, and developed it into Yili Jingzhuan

Tongjie Bu based on Zhu Xi’s way,attempting

at converting the Yili Jingzhuan Tongjie into

ritual classics of the era. Li Huang’s development

of Zhu Xi’s ritual spirit is the localization of

Confucianism and Zhu Xi’s theory. And Han

Yuanzhen’s development of annotation of Zhu

Xi’s theory is the Korean Dynasty Confucians’

answer to the public issues of Confucianism.


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Author Biography

Liu Yiping, Wuhan University, China

School of Philosophy

Wuhan, Hupei, China 430072



How to Cite

Yiping, L. (2016). Korean Dynasty Confucian Li Huang and Han Yuanzhen’s Contribution on Zhu Xi’s Ritual Study. Sinología hispánica. China Studies Review, 2(1), 117–129. https://doi.org/10.18002/sin.v2i1.5254

