Linguistic and Cultural Adaptation of Mongolian Ecological Immigrants in the Border City


  • Zhao Jianhong Inner Mongolia University, China



Linguistic and cultural adaptation, Mongolian, Ecological migrants, Border city.


This is a case study in Erenhot City, Inner

Mongolia Autonomous Region on Mongolian

ecological immigrants’ linguistic and cultural

adaptation as well as the cultural psychology

and related identity issues according to the

attitudes towards residence patterns,

marriage, language, culture and other

variables. Based on the data analysis, the study

puts forward the suggestions of the current

work with regard to ethnic groups. To solve the

problems of the immigrants’ adaptation, the

vital method is the economic and social

development, including improving the system

of urban social security, raising the quality of

ethnic education and vocational training,

increasing the intensity of culture projects, and

enriching the cultural life of border cities to

satisfy the spiritual and cultural needs of

ecological migration. Proper handling the

relationship between language and culture

makes a significant contribution to the

consolidation and development of the

harmonious ethnic relationship.


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Author Biography

Zhao Jianhong, Inner Mongolia University, China

School of Foreign Languages

Hohhot, Inner Mongolia, China 010021



How to Cite

Jianhong, Z. (2017). Linguistic and Cultural Adaptation of Mongolian Ecological Immigrants in the Border City. Sinología hispánica. China Studies Review, 4(1), 139–151.

