El Confucianismo y las tradiciones marciales asiáticas
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Métricas alternativas
BELL, D. & CHAIBONG, H. (2003). Confucianism for the modern world. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press.
DE BARY, W. (2004). Nobility and civility: Asian ideals of leadership and the common good. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
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CHAN, W. (1963b). Instructions for practical living and other Neo-Confucian writings by Wang Yang-ming. New York: Columbia University Press.
CHANG, CHI-YUN (1957). The life of Confucius. Taipei, Taiwan: China News Press.
DOBSON, W. (1969). Mencius. London: Oxford University Press.
GILES, L. (1998). The sayings of Confucius. Middlesex, England: Tiger Books.
JASPERS, K. (1962). Socrates, Buddha, Confucius, Jesus. San Diego: Harvest/HBJ Book.
LEGGE, J. (1971). Confucius. New York: Dover Publications.
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MILLER, F. & KEYT, D. (EDS.). (1991). A companion to Aristotle’s Politics. Oxford: Blackwell.
POUND, E. (1951). Confucius: The great digest and unwobbling pivot. New York: New Directions Books.
SIMPKINS, C. A. & SIMPKINS, A. (2005). Taekwondo: Building on the basics. San Diego, CA: Radiant Dolphin Press.
SIMPKINS, C. A. & SIMPKINS, A. (2004). Meditation from thought to action with audio CD. Diego, CA: Radiant Dolphin Press.
SIMPKINS, C. A. & SIMPKINS, A. (2004). Buddhism in ten. Boston: Tuttle Publishing.
SIMPKINS, C. A. & SIMPKINS, A. (2003). Chung Do Kwan: The power of Taekwondo. Boston: Tuttle Publishing.
SIMPKINS, C. A. & SIMPKINS, A. (2001). Simple Buddhism: A guide to enlightened living. Boston: Tuttle Publishing.
SIMPKINS, C. A. & SIMPKINS, A. (2000). Simple Confucianism: A guide to living virtuously. Boston: Tuttle Publishing.
SIMPKINS, C. A. & SIMPKINS, A. (1999). Simple Taoism: A guide to living in balance. Boston: Tuttle Publishing.
TSUNETOMO, Y. (1979). Hagakure: The book of the samurai. Tokyo: Kodansha.
WATSON, B. (1969). Hsun Tzu. New York: Columbia University Press.
WILHELM, R. (1931). Confucius and Confucianism. New York: Harcourt, Brace, and Javonovich.
WITTENBORN, A. (1991). Further reflections on things at hand: A reader Chu Hsi. Lantham, Maryland: University Press America.
WONG, R. (1997). China transformed: Historical change and the limits of European experience. Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press.
YAO, X. 2000. An introduction to Confucianism. Cambridge, England: Cambridge
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Direitos de Autor (c) 2012 C. Alexander Simpkins, Annellen M. Simpkins

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