Antiplagiarism policy

In its commitment to science, the Cuestiones de Género journal will ensure that all articles published are unpublished and original, have not been previously published, in whole or in part, nor are they in the process of evaluation by another publication.

To make our commitment effective, the following measures will be taken:

  • The authors of the manuscripts will declare, at the time of submission, that their manuscript is original and unpublished, that it does not contain parts of other authors or other fragments of their already published works, and that it has not been previously published nor submitted to another journal.
  • The anti-plagiarism program Turnitin will be used with the purpose of detecting similarities and coincidences between the texts proposed for evaluation and works previously published in other sources.
  • The plagiarism detection protocol will be carried out prior to peer review. In the event that the checking of a work yields a result that indicates a similarity greater than 20%, the author will be informed by email to which the complete similarity report will be attached along with the considerations of an expert. All of this with the objective that both parties offer the pertinent considerations so that Gender Issues can determine whether it is a practice linked to plagiarism or not. If the work is considered to have been plagiarized, it will be rejected for evaluation.

This anti-plagiarism policy ensures that the Cuestiones de Género journal has originality standards that guarantee original and unpublished scientific production.