Gender and professional precariousness: the case of University of Porto graduates


  • Isabel Dias Universidade do Porto - Portugal
  • Luísa Veloso Centro de Investigação e Estudos de Sociologia - Portugal



género, precariedade profissional, licenciatura, ensino superior, mercado de trabalho, precariedad profesional, enseñanza universitaria, mercado laboral


The article aims to examine the relationship between labor and gender. Taking as starting point a study about the precariousness of the graduates of the University of Porto, it proposes a focus on some of the interviews, which enabled to develop a comprehensive analysis and to trace a set of "portraits" of precariousness. These pictures are presented by type of professional track record. Giving prominence to the words of the interviewees, the analysis adopts a co-author perspective, crossing up the speech in first person from the interviewed with the interpretations of the authors. The reading of the interviews allows the understanding of the relationship between work and gender.


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How to Cite

Dias, I. and Veloso, L. (2009) “Gender and professional precariousness: the case of University of Porto graduates”, Cuestiones de género: de la igualdad y la diferencia, (4), pp. 267–301. doi: 10.18002/cg.v0i4.3815.


