Bluebeard and Domestic Violence: Telling Children or Not?


  • Maria Murta Universidade de Évora/CIDEHUS - Portugal



Violence against women, children's literature, stereotypes, Bluebeard


The social phenomenon of violence against women resists time with universal extension, inscribing itself in the traditional literature and relational history of humanity. The goal we propose is to show that the Bluebeard story, in Perrault's version, is not ethically neutral literary material, serving as a support to address and help discern the issue of domestic violence. However, given the force of violence that emerges in certain episodes of the tale, you wonder about the convenience of reading it to children? We can argue in favor of its critical reading, since it can lead children to recognize the problematic nature of the human relationship and question the reasons for it. The methodology is a hermeneutical one, crossing texts to reach a reasoned interpretation.


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Author Biography

Maria Murta, Universidade de Évora/CIDEHUS - Portugal

Doutoranda Curso de Filosofia Universidade de Évora


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How to Cite

Murta, M. (2019) “Bluebeard and Domestic Violence: Telling Children or Not?”, Cuestiones de género: de la igualdad y la diferencia, (14), pp. 353–373. doi: 10.18002/cg.v0i14.5809.