Representation of women and men in the news of the Spanish national press


  • Mª Pilar Matud Universidad de La Laguna - España
  • Carmen R. Wangüemert Universidad de La Laguna - España
  • Inmaculada Espinosa Universidad de La Laguna - España



Género, periódicos, noticias, análisis de contenido, mujeres, hombres, España


This study examines the portrayal of women and men in the news of Spanish daily newspapers. A quantitative content analysis was conducted on the news published on the Front page and in the National and International sections from 14 issues of a randomly selected, large circulation Spanish newspaper. We have found great inequality in the representation, both in the frequency with which each gender appeared as the central figure in the news -34% for men whereas only a 6.8% for women- and in their roles and occupations. The content analysis of the protagonists’ occupation in the news threw light on many differences, and men appeared much more frequently than women in positions of power.



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How to Cite

Matud, M. P., R. Wangüemert, C. and Espinosa, I. (2012) “Representation of women and men in the news of the Spanish national press”, Cuestiones de género: de la igualdad y la diferencia, (7), pp. 9–24. doi: 10.18002/cg.v0i7.900.