Good editorial practices policy on Gender Equality

The magazine Cuestiones de Género is committed to promoting equality between men and women, giving visibility to the scientific work of women, and promoting the use of inclusive language free of prejudices associated with race, functional diversity, gender, sexual orientation, beliefs, ideology or socioeconomic status.

To do this, implement the following actions:

  • Compliance with a minimum percentage of 40% of women in the composition of the Editorial Teams, taking into account all positions and elective bodies measured jointly.
  • Compliance with a minimum percentage of 40% of women as reviewers of works sent to the magazine.
  • Inclusion in the journal of the full name of the authors of the works it publishes.
  • Inclusion of the full name of the authors of the cited works in the final bibliography of the manuscripts published in the journal.
  • Use of inclusive language in scientific articles. Inclusive language recognizes diversity, is respectful of all people, takes differences into account and promotes equal opportunities. The articles will use language free of bias, using terms that avoid stereotypes. In this regard, consultation of the Basic Guide for Non-Sexist Language Use is recommended.
  • It is recommended to replace the use of the generic masculine with other terms that are not discriminatory (such as collective nouns or adjectives without gender marking), avoid expressions that perpetuate gender stereotypes and use strategies aimed at achieving the most inclusive language possible, following the guidelines for the use of gender-inclusive language established by the United Nations.
  • Research works will try to avoid gender biases that use the masculine as a universal reference. In this sense, it is suggested to consult the manual Gender in research prepared by the European Community, and, where appropriate, report on sex in research on people, presenting the results disaggregated by sex.