No. .0 (2005): Journal Presentation

					View No. .0 (2005): Journal Presentation

This project that we present and offer today aims to be an annual publication and is from this moment available to all people who are interested in making feminism a more solid theoretical perspective within the Spanish university panorama and an instrument for the transformation of a reality, which Even today it appears to us to be stubbornly contrary to the aspirations of our precursors.

Cuestiones de Género journal aims to collect the contributions of all those people who, working from any of the aforementioned feminist perspectives, are willing to debate the issues that are currently affecting our respective disciplines.

We believe that this will be a benefit for society in general, and very particularly, for that half of the population that has remained invisible, despite the efforts that, as we have explained in the first part of this presentation, have been made to throughout history.

Coordinator: Interdisciplinary Seminar on Women's Studies of the University of León

Number of articles accepted: 7.

Published: 2006-06-10