Sorolla and Classical sculpture: An approximation through his drawings following classical sculptures.


  • José Fenoll Cascales Universidad de Murcia y Museo Arqueológico Provincial de Alicante



Sorolla, Parthenon, drawing following classical sculptures, Cast, Classic sculpture, Accademia di Belle Arti di Firenze. Painting scholarship, Rome.


Blanca Pons Sorolla, Graciella Cirri, Academia de Bellas Artes de Florencia, Museo Sorolla, Diputación de Valencia.


The present work analyses three drawings following classical sculptures that Joaquín Sorolla Bastida painted during his stay as a painting scholarship in Rome between 1885 and 1888. Two of these studies depict sections of the Parthenon marbles, while the other corresponds to Michelangelo's Madonna Medici. Thus, through a documentary and comparative study of the palaeographic sources included in these drawings and the documentary sources housed in the Sorolla Museum, an attempt will be made to identify the visual references that the painter used to create these works. The aim is to provide a glimpse of Sorolla's relationship with classical sculpture and the places where he studied it during his Italian period.


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Author Biography

José Fenoll Cascales, Universidad de Murcia y Museo Arqueológico Provincial de Alicante

Departamento de Historia del Arte de la Universidad de Murcia.

Departamento de Colecciones y Excavaciones en el Museo Arqueológico Provincial de Alicante. 


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