The Section d’Or and Juan Gris: A way towards the spiritual Cubism


  • Iñigo Sarriugarte Gomez Departamente de Historia del Arte y la Musica Universidad del País Vasco



Juan Gris, cubismo sintético, proporción aurea, Section d’Or


The artist Juan Gris had the opportunity to see the beginning of Cubism, staying in 1906 in the French capital. From here, he starts to interact with other avant-garde painters and critics who offered him new possibilities for a Cubist involvement. The year 1912 marks his integration in the pictorial trend of Synthetic Cubism, also standing out his relationship with the group of Puteaux. The encounters with this Cubist group derived him towards postulates characterized by the application of lattice-works, which were formulated under mathematical aspects and a manifest interest in the Golden Section, but without forgetting the spiritual discourse before the needs of his time.


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Métricas alternativas

Author Biography

Iñigo Sarriugarte Gomez, Departamente de Historia del Arte y la Musica Universidad del País Vasco

Profesor Titular en el Departamente de Historia del Arte y la Musica - Facultad de Letras - Universidad del País Vasco


La Section d’Or y Juan Gris: Un camino hacia un cubismo espiritual


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