A Pragma-Dialectical Study of Advertising Discourse: Take Melatonin Advertisements as Case Study


  • Fan Feng Jiangsu University, China




Melatonin advertisements, Pragma-Dialectics, argumentative discourse, strategic maneuvering.


The fundamental objective of advertising

discourse is to persuade target audiences to

accept and purchase the advertised product,

thus in essence, persuasiveness is crucial

characteristic of advertising discourse. Actually,

successful persuasion usually involves

argumentativeness. Drawing on the research

framework of Pragma-Dialectics, this paper

attempts to explore a pragma-dialectical

approach to advertisement discourse on the

basis of the ideal model of critical discussion.

This approach involves two interrelated parts:

argumentative reconstruction and strategic

maneuvering analysis. Taking the case of

Melatonin advertisements, the pragma-dialectical

approach can show the argumentativeness of

advertisement discourse to a great extent and

meanwhile reveals advertisers’ manipulation of

dialectical reasonableness and rhetorical

effectiveness. Therefore, the pragma-dialectical

approach can not only give a deep insight into

persuasiveness and argumentativeness of

advertising discourse, but also provides a

theoretical guidance for advertisers to skilfully

employ dialectical strategies in advertising

discourse. Consequently, such approach can

offer a new perspective for comprehensive and

systematic study of advertisement discourse.


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Author Biography

Fan Feng, Jiangsu University, China

Center for Argumentation Studies

Zhenjiang, Jiangsu, China 212013



How to Cite

Feng, F. (2016). A Pragma-Dialectical Study of Advertising Discourse: Take Melatonin Advertisements as Case Study. Sinología hispánica. China Studies Review, 3(2), 127–138. https://doi.org/10.18002/sin.v3i2.5265

