From Posthuman Fantasy to Ecomodern Realism

A Cartography of Solarpunk Science Fiction




solarpunk, posthumanism, soft science-fiction, hard science.-fiction, ecomodernity


The purpose of this article is to synthetically (but critically) map the representation of eco-technological themes in the US Solarpunk literary genre, namely by addressing the different short story collection available in the market. The text analyzes the evolution of these fictions from its original conceptualization as a soft science fiction mode to the contemporary narratives that feature a new interest for the hard science fiction variety, one interested in visualizing technological tools that could be potentially deployed in order to mitigate the problems developed by climate change and other anthropogenic damages against the planet. This study is introduced with a brief exploration of the history of the genre and then analyzes both some significant stories and the editors’ comments on their own short collection stories. This text, thus, engages with the ways in which solarpunk, clearly in symbiosis with contemporary approaches to posthumanism, has shifted its sense of aesthetics, messages and political ethos during the last decade, aiming to materialize possible optimistic futures for an Earth in which industrialization has manage to survive and co-exist with a sustainable planet in the Anthropocene.


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Author Biography

Alejandro Rivero Vadillo, Universidad de Alcalá



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How to Cite

Rivero Vadillo, A. (2022). From Posthuman Fantasy to Ecomodern Realism: A Cartography of Solarpunk Science Fiction. Estudios Humanísticos. Filología, (44), 193–215.