“Bringing the World into the World”: Writing Poetry as Action and Challenge to Reality
Differenza sessuale, bringing the world into the world, Adriana Cavarero, Diotima,, poetry, reality, birthAbstract
This article deals with poetry as a space for socio-symbolic praxis for the feminine subject who writes. Taking writing as “the incessant, the interminable” according to Maurice Blanchot’s words, this article analyses the concept of “corpo-reality” as a lyric strategy whereby the specific feminine experience transcends into the universality through the action of writing. This strategy implies an alteration of reality and determines an action based upon birth. This point of view, supported by the theory “bringing the world into the world” developed by the philosophical group Diotima, particularly Adriana Cavarero, establishes the need for a sexual difference perspective in order to question the parameters that have constructed the poetic tradition and have relegated women’s position to the place of atopia.
Métricas alternativas
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