Interdisciplinary Seminar on Women's Studies at the University of León
Digital ISSN: 2444-0221
DOI: 10.18002/cg
We are aware of the persistence of both horizontal and vertical discrimination, that behind the numerical growth in some professions -the most visible- old and new forms of discrimination are hidden that make it difficult for women to appropriate and make their own, spaces designed by the men to be occupied by them. However, we also seek to focus on the achievements, to highlight those advances of women in the world of work that questioned the traditional sexual division of labor. In short, recognizing the scope of these changes, but knowing that accounting for the trends of change implies recognizing, at the same time, the discriminations that remain.
The gaps that are opening up in the traditional sexual division of labor are the subject of this monograph called "Women Breaking the Sexual Division of Labor Spaces", but it also includes -how could it be otherwise- some advances that can be only apparent and the persistent patriarchal resistance to these changes. All the contributions open up new questions that, without a doubt, will enrich the debates committed to clarifying what work is.
Coords.: Pilar Ballarín Domingo and Elena Aguado Cabezas
Number of articles received: 52.
Number of accepted articles: 22.
Interdisciplinary Seminar on Women's Studies at the University of León
Digital ISSN: 2444-0221
DOI: 10.18002/cg
Department of Psychology, Sociology and Philosophy. Education Faculty. 24071 - León - Spain. Telephone: 987291860. E-mail:
Journal Director:
Ana Isabel Blanco García
Mobile: 625570546. Email:
e-I.S.S.N. 2444-0221 - Legal Deposit: LE-1039-2005.
Cover design: INDOS (Images copyright ©INDOS, S. L. and its licensors. All rights reserved).
Design of the logo of the ULE Interdisciplinary Seminar on Women's Studies: Teresa Serrano León.
Servicio de Publicaciones. Universidad de León.
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