Female empowerment analysis with a multimodal perspective of the antagonist Lady Eboshi in the film Princess Mononoke (1997)


  • Alba Campoy Martínez Universidad de Alicante - España




female empowerment, power from within, power over, multimodality, Japanese animated cinema, Hayao Miyazaki, Princess Mononoke (1997)


The present article offers a female empowerment analysis with a multimodal perspective of the antagonist Lady Eboshi in the film Princess Mononoke (1997), directed by Hayao Miyazaki. The main research objective is to analyze the individual samples of female empowerment found in her power from within and power over. The data from this article were taken from three essential scenes by means of a mainly qualitative-descriptive methodology, although quantitative data are also provided, collected in a rubric created by the author that includes different indicators such as the sense of the self, self-confidence and self-esteem. In the end, the results obtained will show if Eboshi is indeed a clear example of female empowerment.


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Author Biography

Alba Campoy Martínez, Universidad de Alicante - España

Doctoranda en Estudios Interdisciplinares de Género en la Universidad de Alicante, cuya principal línea de investigación se centra en la gramática sistémico-funcional y del diseño visual, ambas relacionadas específicamente con el cine de animación japonés de Hayao Miyazaki y con el empoderamiento feminista. Ha participado en diversos seminarios y conferencias de carácter tanto pedagógico como lingüístico. Actualmente, se encuentra trabajando como profesora de inglés en Camden Town College.


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How to Cite

Campoy Martínez, A. . (2023) “Female empowerment analysis with a multimodal perspective of the antagonist Lady Eboshi in the film Princess Mononoke (1997)”, Cuestiones de género: de la igualdad y la diferencia, (18), pp. 985–1009. doi: 10.18002/cg.i18.7533.



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