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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The authorship declares that the article submitted is original and unpublished, does not contain parts of other authors or other fragments of their already published works, has not been previously published nor has it been submitted to another journal.
  • If you are submitting to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, you need to ensure that the manuscript is properly anonymized.
  • The file sent is in Microsoft Word format.
  • The structure of the text includes the following minimum requirements: introduction, objectives, methodology, results and conclusion.
  • The text complies with the bibliographic and style requirements indicated in the Normas para autoras/es, which can be found in About the magazine.
  • The different hierarchical levels of the text (sections, subsections) are indicated through the use of decimal numbering (1., 1.1., 1.1.1., etc.).
  • If images are included, they are in JPG format and will also be sent as complementary files (file separate from the text), after sending the article, with a minimum resolution of 200dpi.
  • The title does not exceed 20 words
  • The summary/abstract does not exceed 120 words
  • The length of the article is between 5,000 and 10,000 words.
  • The diagrams, drawings, graphs, tables, equations are in editable format, other than image.

Author Guidelines

All manuscripts must be submitted through the journal's platform  (registration is required for authors). The manuscript must be submitted in Microsoft Word format, in any of its versions for Windows.

The essential requirements for passing the first phase of review are:

- Articles must be unpublished, the result of research work, scientific communication or original creation.

- The structure of the article must include the following sections in the corpus of the text, duly numbered: introduction, objectives, methodology, results and conclusion.

- The summary must include the following aspects: objectives, methodology, results and conclusion.

- The citations in the text and the bibliography must strictly comply with the journal's standards.

- Pass the Turnitin analysis (the results of the article's check by the program MUST NOT exceed a similarity greater than 20%).

Cuestiones de Género is committed to using inclusive language in its articles, in accordance with its Policy on Good Editorial Practices in Gender Equality. Authors are encouraged to use inclusive language free of prejudices associated with race, functional diversity, gender, sexual orientation, beliefs, ideology or socioeconomic status. Likewise, their work should be carried out with research data that includes the variable sex and they should report on whether the conclusions have taken into account possible differences between the sexes.

The journal, through its Anti-Plagiarism Policy, is committed to ensuring that all published scientific articles are unpublished and original, as well as that they have not been previously published, in whole or in part, nor are they in the process of being evaluated by another publication.


Section dedicated to hosting unpublished scientific articles whose theme covers the subject matter of each monographic issue. Send a submission to the Monograph section.

Open Tribune

Section dedicated to hosting unpublished scientific articles with a different theme to that of each monographic issue. Send a submission to the Open Tribune section.


Space dedicated to articles that are derived from the theoretical implementation of new concepts, but that have their practical implications. Send a submission to the About section.


Section dedicated to hosting reviews of books, artistic works and films. Send a submission to the Reviews section.

Guest Articles

Section dedicated to hosting articles invited by the coordination and whose theme covers the subject matter of each monographic issue.


Each work must include on the first page: the title (not exceeding 20 words), abstract (not exceeding 120 words) and up to 5 keywords, in its original language and English. If the original language is not English, the title, abstract and keywords must be included in Spanish.

Articles submitted in a language other than Spanish must select the language of the original in the drop-down menu (language) at the time of submission. If the language of the language is not selected at this time, the title will automatically appear in Spanish in the index of the journal, after its publication.

2.1. The articles submitted must be unpublished and the result of original research, scientific communication or original creation.

2.2. The structure of the article must consider, both in the abstract and in the corpus of the text, the following aspects: introduction, objectives, methodology, results and conclusion.

2.3. Articles must pass Turnitin analysis without the text verification results indicating a similarity greater than 20%. Please note that the software is available online free of charge.

2.4. Articles may be submitted in any of the official languages ​​of the European Union (EU). They must be between 5,000 and 10,000 words in length, including tables, graphs, notes, appendices and bibliography. Only very brief documentary appendices will be accepted and in justified cases.

2.5. Reviews must be a maximum of 2,500 words in length, including tables, graphs, notes, appendices, photos and bibliography. Only very brief documentary appendices will be accepted and in justified cases by the author. This justification will be subject to approval by the Editorial Board.

2.6.Sections, illustrations, graphs, tables, etc., must be numbered in Arabic characters and accompanied by a title and identifying footer, in which the source must be cited.

2.7. Notes must be numbered consecutively, in Arabic characters, overlaid above the text and inserted in the footer.

2.8. Quotes inserted in the body of the text and the final bibliography must appear in accordance with the “Citation and Bibliography Rules” detailed in section 4. Compliance with the rules, and their application in citations and final bibliography, is essential for the acceptance of the article in the first instance.

2.9. The texts submitted must use inclusive language, free of bias, using terms that avoid stereotypes, in accordance with the Policy of Good Editorial Practices in Gender Equality.

2.10. Book Reviews must include the following information: Title of the book, authorship, place, publisher, year, name of the author of the review, institutional affiliation or work center, and email address.

2.11. Film Reviews must include the following information: Title of the film (in Spanish and the official language of the film), director, producer, year of release, cast (main actors and actresses), and genre.

2.12. The Journal will acknowledge receipt of the originals within a maximum period of eight weeks from the closing date of the call for submissions and will decide whether to accept them based on whether they respond to the Journal's editorial line and comply with the Submission Rules and Citation and Bibliography Rules.

2.13. After firs instance admission, the originals will be sent for blind review to 2 external expert evaluators (double blind peer review), outside the management of the Journal. Once the Editorial Board receives their reports, it will make a final decision on the publication of the originals, communicating this to the authors. They will also be informed of the appropriate suggestions and corrections that must be made by the author(s) and sent to the Editorial Board within a maximum period of 7 days.


3.1. The works will be sent in a single file, adjusted to A4 page size, with the default margins that appear by default when creating a new Word file. The file must be titled as follows: Author's name and surname followed by the Title of the article.

3.2. The font will be Times New Roman, size 12 points. The different hierarchical levels of the text (sections, subsections) will be indicated through the use of decimal numbering (1., 1.1., 1.1.1., etc.).

3.3. The use of symbols or signs from sources of Cyrillic, Greek and, in general, oriental origin is not recommended. If necessary, texts of this nature must be processed as images. To highlight words or texts, exclusively italics (not underlining) will be used.

3.4. If digital images are included, they must be embedded in the document using the JPG format. In addition to being included in the text, they must be sent as additional documents (file separate from the text) with a minimum resolution of 150dpi.

3.5. Schemes, drawings, graphs, tables, equations must be presented in an editable format, other than an image. These are to be copied from Microsoft Office Excel and pasted into the article in Word format as: Microsoft Office Excel Chart Object, or as Microsoft Office Chart Object. These options are in the menu bar-paste-paste special. – If the diagram or graph is not in Excel format, it will have to be made directly in Word format.



Direct quotes:

This is when the exact words of another author or of a previously published document are transcribed. The transcribed text must be in quotation marks and the reference must include the author's surname, year and page number.

E.g.: (Artiles de León, 1995: 45). Or: Artiles de León (1995: 45). If they are quotes from newspapers: (El País, 28-11-2009: 50).

Quotes of up to 4 lines will be integrated into the text indicated by double quotation marks and quotes that exceed 4 lines will be presented in a paragraph separated from the text by a line, also in double quotation marks.

Indirect quotes:

This is when the idea of ​​another author is summarized but his/her words are not reproduced verbatim. The reference must include the author's surname and the year.

E.g.: Sexuality encompasses both biological and psychological and sociocultural characteristics (Artiles de León, 1995).

Some authors (Segura Dimaría, 2014; Feito García, 2008; Blango García, 2010) have criticized the idea that […]

Both in direct and indirect citations:

Up to 4 authors:

(Moore, Estrich, McGillis and Spelman, 1984)

More than 4 authors:

(Moore et al., 1984: 43)

To cite research found in another work:

Brown (1967), cited by Smith (1970: 27), discovered that…
It was found (Brown, 1967, cited by Smith, 1970: 28) that…

If there is no date “No date”:

Socrates (n.d.) wrote and demonstrated…

If it is an unidentified author “anonymous”:

Marketing Strategy (Anon, 1999)

If it is an oral source:

(López Díez, 30-06-2011)

If it is a printed newspaper:

(El País, 12-03-2012: 32)

If it is an online newspaper:

(El País, 12-03-2012)


The Final Bibliography should only include the references cited in the article. References should be presented in the following way:


Blanco, Ana Isabel (Coord.) (2002). New visions of motherhood. León: University of León.

Books (more than 4 authors):

Mohr, Laurence B. et al. (1996). Impact analysis for program evaluation. London: Sage.

When there is more than one work by the same author, cite the most recent work first:

Moragas, Miguel de (1993). Sociology of mass communication. Vol. II, Structure, functions and effects. Barcelona: Gustavo Gili.

Moragas, Miguel de (Ed.) (1986). Sociology of mass communication. Vol. I, Schools and authors.  Barcelona: Gustavo Gili.

Moragas, Miguel de (1984). Theories of Communication. Research on media in America and Europe. Barcelona: Gustavo Gili.

Works by the same author in the same year:

In the case of twin references, letters must be used after the years to distinguish the works.

Leoz, Daniele (2009a). Gender stereotypes on the covers of women's youth magazines. European Masters Thesis. University of León.

Leoz, Daniele (2009b). "Women's studies in Spanish universities. The case of the Interdisciplinary Seminar on Gender Studies at the University of León". In: Extensão em Foco, 4, Jul./Dec., pp. 63-74.

Articles in collective volume:

Cebrián, Inmaculada (2000). “Women and part-time work in Spain”. In: Paula Rodríguez Madroño and Carlos Román del Río (Eds.). Women in the labor market. Málaga. Institute of Regional Development, pp. 209-232.

Journal articles:

Miguélez Lobo, Fausto (1995). “Strategies and ideologies of flexibility”. In: Meanwhile, 2 (60), pp.71-83.

If there is a volume and number, the volume and the number always come first in parentheses.

Newspaper articles:

Pérez Royo, Javier (2010). “Equality cannot wait”. In: El País, April 16, no. 11,985, p. 23.

Anonymous articles:

Newspaper name (year). “article title”, date, no., page/s.

Mundo Obrero (1978). “Divorce bill”, June 18-24, (21), page/s.

The number in parentheses.

Digital newspaper articles:

Serra, Catalina (2011). “Arco, still a female issue”. In: El País, February 20. Available at: [03/01/2012].

Digital articles:

Serra, Inmaculada (2011). “The female prostitution market. An approach from the Valencian case”. In: Revista Política y Sociedad, 48 (1), pp. 175-192. Available at: [01-04-2011].

If there is a volume and number, always put the volume first and the number in parentheses.

Digital documents:

United Nations (2005). “Results on women and gender equality”. Available at: [04-06-2011].


Feminist Collections A Quarterly of Women’s Studies Resources. Available at: [05-09-2002].

Oral Sources:

López Díez, Pilar [Conference], Santander, 06-30-2011.


Section dedicated to hosting unpublished scientific articles whose topic covers the subject matter covered in each monographic issue.


Open Tribune

Section dedicated to hosting unpublished scientific articles with a different theme than each monographic issue.


Space dedicated to articles that derive from the theoretical implementation of new concepts, but that have practical implications.


Section dedicated to hosting reviews of books, artistic works and films.

Guest Articles

Section dedicated to hosting articles invited by the coordination and whose themes cover the subject matter covered in each monographic issue.

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The University of León is responsible for the personal data provided for the journals it produces, edits and publishes. The only personal details gathered will be those necessary for the management of the journals, access to the portals and user identification. The data gathered will be limited to the content strictly necessary for the purposes above mentioned. Users themselves will provide consent by accepting to register and access the journals. Their data will not be transferred to third parties, except by legal imperative and never without authorization. For further information on data protection, please check the Privacy Policy and Legal Advice from the University of León where rights of access, exemptions, rectification, opposition, limitation and portability may be located by means of the established channels. Further information may be provided by the delegate of data protection at