Perceived quality from a gender perspective in a hospital with maximum care complexity


  • Pilar Arrizabalaga Hospital Clínic de Barcelona - España
  • Guillermina Orduna Hospital Clínic de Barcelona - España
  • Manel Santiñá Hospital Clínic de Barcelona - España



opinión del usuario, calidad percibida, diferencias entre sexos


Objective: To analyse the perceived assistance quality of third level hospital inpatients, carrying out an essay that takes in account only the gender of the surveyed. Methods: Descriptive analysis of surveys of the inpatients between October and November 2003-2005 with the T of Student-Fisher and the 2 tests respectively. Results: From 2660 surveyed, 44,7% were men aged 55,55 ± 17,3, and 53,3% were women aged 48 ± 18,4. 36% had a primary school degree, 18% professional and 22% university studies. Men were considered better informed than women about hospitalization rules and knew better the name of their doctors (p < 0.0001). Women were better informed about their illness (p < 0.05). There was no difference in the choice of the same centre for the future. Conclusions: The perceived assistance quality is influenced by gender, so it should be taken into account in organizing systems oriented to satisfying the patient needs.


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How to Cite

Arrizabalaga, P., Orduna, G. and Santiñá, M. (2010) “Perceived quality from a gender perspective in a hospital with maximum care complexity”, Cuestiones de género: de la igualdad y la diferencia, (5), pp. 249–261. doi: 10.18002/cg.v0i5.3788.