Sexual desire, narcissistic fantasy and violence


  • Amaya Ortiz de Zárate Universidad Complutense de Madrid - España



smbólica de lo femenino, deseo narcisista, deseo sexual, violencia, symbolic representations of the feminine, narcissistic desire, sexual desire, violence


The construction of a symbolic representation of the feminine is an urgent task our culture is required to face up. Love relationships cause all fantasies supporting communicative, dual intersubjectivity to come into play. Yet, facing up sexual relations results, soon or later, in the disappointment about the fascinating object staged within the seduction secene. How to manage to go through such situation is a distinctive knowledge belonging to feminine that intervenes in courtship. Being aware that they offer the Ego the Death, women incite, and offer themselves as being the object of desire. If they succeed, then the narcissistic desire will cross the mirror, and it will be possible for the Subject to experience the real Other, i.e., the other sex. If she fails, the lover, captured in the net of mirror reflections, may opt to break the mirror.


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How to Cite

Ortiz de Zárate, A. (2008) “Sexual desire, narcissistic fantasy and violence”, Cuestiones de género: de la igualdad y la diferencia, (3), pp. 221–240. doi: 10.18002/cg.v0i3.3832.