The construction of gender normativity in cinema through the use of light




Normativity, performativity, transgender, transse, intersexuality, light, shadow


The light is one of the central cinematographic resources in the conformation of audiovisual narrative and characters' identity. In this article we will reflect on the role of light and shadow  in the construction of transgender/transsexual/intersex characters in cinema. Light plays a vital role in determining which bodies conform to gender norms and which bodies transit these boundaries within film productions. Therefore, the main mission of this reflection will be to identify how the characters of films establish their relations with lights and shadows when it comes to building or defining their bodies, and to situate themselves in the social sphere.


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How to Cite

Medina-Vicent, M. (2018) “The construction of gender normativity in cinema through the use of light”, Cuestiones de género: de la igualdad y la diferencia, (13), pp. 225–244. doi: 10.18002/cg.v0i13.5336.