No. 14 (2019): Violence against women: views without borders

					View No. 14 (2019): Violence against women: views without borders

In recent decades, the social phenomenon of interpersonal violence based on gender has gained evidence, revealing a variety of manifestations and widening its semantic margin. Gender violence is associated with similar concepts such as violence against women, domestic violence and marital violence which, despite their different scope, express the same intention of making a complex phenomenon more readable, both due to the social darkness that surrounds it and due to the diversity of situations, modes of conflict and levels of affectation

The phenomenon of violence against women - persistent, transversal and deterritorialized - is the object of analysis of this monograph entitled "Violence against women: perspectives without borders", which is approached in a diachronic and synchronic framework, as well as through various epistemological and empirical perspectives . The works gathered seek to contribute to the reinforcement of good social and political practices of a humanist nature, and to make known narratives about real experiences and the limit of vulnerability of victims of gender violence.

Coordinators: Maria Teresa Santos and Maria da Saudade Baltazar

Number of articles received: 76.

Number of articles accepted: 37.

Published: 2019-06-27



Open Tribune