Treatment and mistreatment: a psychoanalytic look


  • María Cruz Estada Association Analyse Freudienne / París - Francia



maltrato, violencia, desamparo, sujeto, ética de los bienes, ética psicoanalítica, víctima, trauma de la dependencia original, elaboración, falta en ser, falta en tener, diferencia, wife battering, violence, helplessness, subject, ethics of goods


We are going to see the reasons why some treatments with battered women fail. We are going to revise with Freud to become woman: the radical helplessness of the human being —the Freudian Hilflosighkeit— has connotations of cataclysm for women, and with it they confront frequently. The common point of batterers and mental health professionals: the horror to difference, that will give as a consequence severe interferences in her listening. The difficulty to split up with the batterer, loosing sometimes your life, points out, paradoxically, the fear to see her existence threaten as a subject. The suffering: trial of elaboration of the lack of being through the lack of having.


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Métricas alternativas


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How to Cite

Estada, M. C. (2008) “Treatment and mistreatment: a psychoanalytic look”, Cuestiones de género: de la igualdad y la diferencia, (3), pp. 205–220. doi: 10.18002/cg.v0i3.3831.