Intervention against gender violence from a feminist perspective: woman and therapist


  • Belén Castañón del Pozo Psicóloga de ADAVAS - España



violencia, género, machismo, patriarcado, mujer, prevención, Violence, gender, patriarchy, woman, prevention


In this article we would like to focus on the double role that lots of therapeutic women have and enjoy everyday, from the feminism, in the practice of our profession. Developing our job as Psychologists, we can not forget that we also are women. So, if we find it necessary, we have no doubts about using our experience as women to emphatice with the woman demanding help. Obviously, this double role gives us a privileged situation, allowing to apply the scientific knowledge that we have, without any extra effort when it comes to understand the reality that might be ours. Because, all of us, before choosing our profession, we already were women. At  that  respect,  ADAVAS,  the association  I  belong  to,  offers  the  possibility  of practicing my profession freely. ADAVAS’ board is conscious about my procedures based upon the science, in the nearness, warm, positive and nice relationships, with the victims who are demanding our help.


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Métricas alternativas


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How to Cite

Castañón del Pozo, B. (2008) “Intervention against gender violence from a feminist perspective: woman and therapist”, Cuestiones de género: de la igualdad y la diferencia, (3), pp. 347–366. doi: 10.18002/cg.v0i3.3837.