No. 15 (2020): Gender, Science, Technology and Innovation

					View No. 15 (2020): Gender, Science, Technology and Innovation

The gender approach in science considers the diversity of needs according to characteristics such as sex, age, social group, among others, providing a framework to improve representation and participation in the generation of knowledge and innovation to meet these needs and identify appropriate interventions and solutions.

However, this is not easy since the exclusion lies in those biases, prejudices and stereotypes, often unconscious.

This issue provides thematic coverage including epistemology, the history and cases of gender inequality, statistics and reasons for the gaps, and proposals for public policies, giving an account of the progress in methodological and conceptual development and in the current debate on gender. in science.

Coords.: Erica Hynes, Maria Valentina Locher and Maria Laura Donnet

Number of articles received: 37.

Number of accepted articles: 22.

Published: 2020-06-25



Open Tribune