Interdisciplinary Seminar on Women's Studies at the University of León
Digital ISSN: 2444-0221
DOI: 10.18002/cg
This monograph brings together twenty-seven contributions that together provide a plural and diverse view of audiovisual narratives. This look runs through the different audiovisual media starting with the cinema, a fundamental vehicle for gender socialization, and transits through television, VOD platforms and social networks. We have focused especially on the research that makes visible the (under)representation of women in this field and the works focused on the analysis of the audiovisual narrative that contribute to taking stock and diagnosing the current situation from the perspective of the "female agency". .
The Open Tribune has fifteen contributions to the fields of knowledge of communication, digital culture and gender studies. Finally, the Reviews section presents five manuscripts of literary works.
Coords.: Mª. Teresa Vera Balanza, Elia Saneleuterio, María Jesús Ruiz Muñoz and Daniele Leoz
Number of articles received: 94.
Number of accepted articles: 42.
Interdisciplinary Seminar on Women's Studies at the University of León
Digital ISSN: 2444-0221
DOI: 10.18002/cg
Department of Psychology, Sociology and Philosophy. Education Faculty. 24071 - León - Spain. Telephone: 987291860. E-mail:
Journal Director:
Ana Isabel Blanco García
Mobile: 625570546. Email:
e-I.S.S.N. 2444-0221 - Legal Deposit: LE-1039-2005.
Cover design: INDOS (Images copyright ©INDOS, S. L. and its licensors. All rights reserved).
Design of the logo of the ULE Interdisciplinary Seminar on Women's Studies: Teresa Serrano León.
Servicio de Publicaciones. Universidad de León.
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